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Access the complete CS201 - Introduction to Programming handouts in PDF format by clicking the download link below. Be sure to download and review the materials to prepare effectively for your assessments.
Course Title | CS201 Book |
Name | Introduction to Programming |
Category | Computer Science |
Credit Hours | 3 Credit |
Code | 201 |
Total Pages | 563 |
Total Chapter | 45 |
Mid Exam Coverage | 1 to 21 |
Final Exam Coverage | 22 to 45 |
Assessment Scheme:
- Assignments (4%):
- Quizzes (4%):
- GDB (2%):
Ability to convey ideas clearly, and the effective use of oral communication strategies.
- Mid Term (30%):
Exam will consist of multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and practical writing tasks.
- Final Term (60%):